Welcome and Thanks!

***** A Notice****** Thanks to so many for coming to this blog over the past year and becoming such great blog friends. I have learned much and laughed often. Yet as the author of 2 blogs I have often felt... well... disjointed. In an effort to marry the 2 sides of my life, and to hopefully continue on in my relationship with you the reader, I am now combining my blogs into 1 new one. I do so hope that you will join me here. I just love hearing your happy voices as often as I can! See you soon......................

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

A Mighty Kind Award

Guess what? Those sweet Scotties (ya'll know I H-E-A-R-T Scotties,) over at Rocky Creek Scotty Adventures sent me this lovely blog award! You like me... you REALLY, REALLY like me. I'm glad too because they are so precious and I sure like them. Ya'll should pay them a visit real soon too. They are pretty much, some of the luckiest doggies in the world... with lots of love, a great big beautiful place to run and... rumor has it... they might be getting some carne asada para el Cinco de Mayo! Lucky.

Visit them at http://rockycreekscottieadventures.blogspot.com/ for a real treat. They also have a gorgeous Chocolate Lab too... also love Labs... see Mac below. Thanks Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java... you're the best.

And, in the spirit of it all I have some folks I would like to pass this award on to also. So here's the deal...1) Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award, and his or her blog link. 2) Pass the award to up to 15 other blogs that you've newly discovered. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.

So, this one's for you Sadie,oh and Sadie's Mom, (http://bittersweetpunkin.blogspot.com/) Little Miss Sunshine(http://ninamisssunshine.blogspot.com/) , Nickers and Neighs( http://just4us-mel.blogspot.com/), Mason Dixie(http://whosaysdogsdontblog.blogspot.com/), Debbies Doodle(http://debbiedohair.blogspot.com/), The WoofGang(http://thewoofgang.blogspot.com/), Oreo and Obie(http://oreoandobiesworld.blogspot.com/), Janine(http://jjsandefamily.blogspot.com/) and Regina( http://simpleissimpledoes.blogspot.com/)at "Simple Is, Simple Does."


  1. OMG, thank you so much for the award. You're so sweet. I miss reading about you and your doggie peeps. I'll be sure to visit more often. The house thing has me a bit nervous. Thanks again.

  2. Thank you so very much for passing along this great award to me. =) Have a wonderful Cince de Mayo

  3. Congrats on your award!!! And thanks for passing it on to our (Lilly and Piper) son, Obie and his new galpal, Ebony - aren't they cuties??

    We hope we can live up to all of the nice things you said about us!!

    Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java

  4. Thanks so much Rachel! That is my first blog award! You are too kind! I will definately pass this on to some other great bloggers and doggies! Have a great day!

  5. Rachel, what an honor! Thank you, thank you, thank you! We can't believe it: our first real live blog award. We'll sport it proudly and pay it forward!

    Rich, Jane, Boomer, Daisy

  6. Oh you are too sweet!! Sadie says Thank you very much!!!

    Hope all is well with you, we are having rain (again) all week.


  7. Thank you so much for inviting me to your blog, it's a pleasure meeting you and you doggies. I have to say, you are pulling at my heart strings (I absolutely love Scotties) and have always wanted one. I better hold off for at least another 10 years as we already have 3 dogs & get to sit our daughters Mini Daschund "often."
    I have been trying to capture the award to take over to my blog, but, having some difficulties in doing so. I will figure it out as I'm so thrilled to have it given to me, I would love to pass it along, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you...

    Puppy kisses,
